The Subsequent 37
The Moog Subsequent 37 CV features a silky keybed with enhanced playability, a high-powered headphone amplifier for live monitoring, and analog signal path embellishments that significantly expand your sonic palette. From behemoth basses to lashing leads to posh pads, the Subsequent 37 is a serious performers' synthesizer with the hands-on control you need to inject serious expression into your live keyboard performances.
Enhanced analog signal path for greater sonic versatility
Along with control-voltage output flexibility, the Subsequent 37 also gives you an enhanced analog signal path for a broader palette of sounds. The re-tuned Multidrive circuit lets you crank the gain further for a more extreme range of dirt that can blast through a track more aggressively than the relatively polite growl and grit on tap in the Sub 37. The Subsequent 37 mixer also has double the headroom, and the Ladder Filter gain staging has been massaged to boost harmonic saturation and signal compression. All in all, the Subsequent 37 is an irresistible analog synth value with classic fat and punchy Moog sound, real-time tweakability, and a lovely, custom chassis with wooden end cheeks, lovingly handcrafted in Asheville, NC.
Duo Mode — and what it can do for you
We have received quite a few questions at Sweetwater about the Sub 37's Duo Mode — an architecture shared by the Subsequent 37. This is basically a two-note paraphonic mode; meaning each of the two oscillators can play a different note while sharing the same audio path. You can hold a bass drone note while playing lead over it, play in fifths, and create other interesting musical effects you can't achieve with a monophonic synthesizer.
Designed for hands-on control
Fitted with 37 keys, 40 knobs, and 74 switches like the Sub 37 Tribute Edition, the Subsequent 37 is made to be manipulated. Dedicated controls make it easy to shape your sounds in real-time while performing, and the extra-large filter cutoff knob is easy to find with your hands when your eyes are focused elsewhere. Set up an arpeggiated sequence, and you can easily spend hours tweaking knobs and creating new sounds. You'll never have to dive into menus or remember which button has the shift function you're trying to access.
Selectable Monophonic or Paraphonic (can be poly-chained)KEYBED
37 Note Semi-weighted with After PressureLCD
128 X 64 pixel LCD with white backlightControllers
Pitch Bend, Mod Wheel, After Pressure, VelocitySound Sources
2 Variable Waveshape Oscillators, 1 Square Wave Sub Oscillator, 1 Analog Noise Generator, 1 External Input/Filter FeedbackOscillator Calibration Range
22Hz-6.8KHz. Note range at 8’ = 18 - 116Filter
20Hz-20KHz Moog Ladder Filter w/ 6/12/18/24 dB/Oct Filter Slopes and MultiDriveTranspose
+/- 2 OctavesArpeggiator/Sequencer
Up, Down, Order, Random, Latching, Back/Forth, Invert, +/-2 Range, Tie, Rest, MIDI Sync, 64-note sequencerModulation Sources
LFO (Triangle, Square, Saw, Ramp, Sample & Hold), FilterEG/PM
Amp Env, Constant ON, Sine LFO, Noise LFO, Osc 1 Pitch, Osc 2 Pitch, Seq Note, Seq Vel, and Seq Mod.Modulation Destinations
Osc 1 Pitch, Osc 2, Osc 1 & 2 Pitch, Filter, LFO Rate, VCA Level, Osc 1 Wave, Osc 2 Wave, Osc 1 & 2 Wave, Noise Level, EG Time/PGM - Filter Resonance, Filter Drive, Filter Slope, Filter Env Amount, Filter Keyboard Amount, Osc 1 Level, Sub Osc Level, Osc 2 Level, External In/Feedback Level, Osc 1 On, Sub Osc On, Osc 2 On, Noise On, External In/Feedback On, Arp Rate, Arp Clock Division, Arp Range, Arp Back/Forth, Arp Ends, Arp Invert, Arp Gate Length, Arp Run, Glide Time, Glide OSC Choice, Glide Type, Glide Gate, Glide Legato, Glide On, LFO 1 Clock Division, LFO 1 Range, LFO 1 Sync, LFO 1 Keyboard Reset, LFO 1 Keyboard Track, Mod 1 Pitch Amount, Mod 1 Filter Amount, Mod 1 Programmable Amount, Mod 1 Programmable Destination, LFO 2 Clock Division, LFO 2 Range, LFO 2 Sync, LFO 2 Keyboard Reset, LFO 2 Keyboard Track, Mod 2 Pitch Amount, Mod 2 Filter Amount, Mod 2 Programmable Amount, Mod 2 Programmable Destination, Osc 1 Oct, Osc 2 Sync, Osc 2 Keyboard Reset, Osc 2 Oct, Osc 2 Keyboard Control, Osc 2 DUO Mode, Osc 2 Freq, Osc 2 Beat Freq, Filter Env Attack, Filter Env Decay, Filter Env Sus, Filter Env Release, Filter Env Delay, Filter Env Hold, Filter Env Vel Amount, Filter Keyboard Track, Filter Env Multitriggering, Filter Env Reset, Filter Env Sync, Filter Env Loop, Filter Env Latch, Amp Env Attack, Amp Env Decay, Amp Env Sus, Amp Env Release, Amp Env Delay, Amp Env Hold, Amp Env Vel Amount, Amp Keyboard Track, Amp Env Multitriggering, Amp Env Reset, Amp Env Sync, Amp Env Loop, Amp Env Latch, Output Volume, Bend Up, and Bend Down.LFO PANEL FEATURES
Hi/Low Range from .01Hz–1kHz, MIDI Sync, KB ResetENVELOPES
DAHDSR Envelopes with Multi-Trigger, Reset, Looping, MIDI Sync, Latch, and Variable control of EG Delay, Hold, Velocity Amount, KB Tracking.EXTERNAL AUDIO INPUT
¼” TS, ¼” TRS HeadphonesPRESETS
256 Presets - 16 Banks x 16 presetsMIDI I/O
Filter CV, Pitch CV, Volume CV, KB GatePOWER
110VAC-240VAC Universal Power Supply with IEC connectorWEIGHT
6.75H x 26.75”W x 14.75”D
